Linda & Geoffrey (香港 婚紗攝影.February 2012)
其實我呢嗰post一早就應該寫, 咁耐當然係我懶la. Fei Wedding 係真係抵讚, 當然仲有我未婚妻Linda係香港住既家姐Selina同姐夫Allen. 因為由頭到尾都係由Selina and Allen 同Fei Wedding 接洽. 我兩個係外地根本唔知邊間攝影公司好定壞,嗰嗰we …..
其實我呢嗰post一早就應該寫, 咁耐當然係我懶la. Fei Wedding 係真係抵讚, 當然仲有我未婚妻Linda係香港住既家姐Selina同姐夫Allen. 因為由頭到尾都係由Selina and Allen 同Fei Wedding 接洽. 我兩個係外地根本唔知邊間攝影公司好定壞,嗰嗰we …..
影完相喇!好開心呀!join左Fei Wedding 真係一個明智既決定,當初只係上網睇,無friend影過,但係search過全部人都有讚無彈!就去expo睇下,d相影得靚,好自然,唔似其他公司咁死板,個個影0既野都係一模一樣!所以完全冇擔心過d 相0既quality! package方面好清晰, …..
If you can be satisfied by just a good service, do not choose Fei Wedding – to us, they offered only the best. My pre-wedding photo taking were a day …..