Carol & Steven (Live Show 生活照共享.February 2012)
感謝 Carol & Steven 與我們分享動人的婚照 (感謝 Carol & Steven 與我們分享美麗的婚照) Fei Wedding Photography 菲.攝影 www.feiwedding.com facebook 專頁 www.facebook.com/fei …..
感謝 Carol & Steven 與我們分享動人的婚照 (感謝 Carol & Steven 與我們分享美麗的婚照) Fei Wedding Photography 菲.攝影 www.feiwedding.com facebook 專頁 www.facebook.com/fei …..
其實我呢嗰post一早就應該寫, 咁耐當然係我懶la. Fei Wedding 係真係抵讚, 當然仲有我未婚妻Linda係香港住既家姐Selina同姐夫Allen. 因為由頭到尾都係由Selina and Allen 同Fei Wedding 接洽. 我兩個係外地根本唔知邊間攝影公司好定壞,嗰嗰we …..
感謝 Alexandra & Simon 與我們分享美麗的婚照 Fei Wedding Photography 菲.攝影 www.feiwedding.com facebook 專頁 www.facebook.com/feiweddinghk
If you can be satisfied by just a good service, do not choose Fei Wedding – to us, they offered only the best. My pre-wedding photo taking were a day …..